pride page a day calendarThis page-a-day calendar by Sarah Prager features a year of fascinating facts, personal profiles, milestones, quizzes, and more—shining a light on progress made, work still to be done, and the enduring legacy of activism. Mobilizing moments, including the arrest of the “Brunswick Four” in Toronto, Canada, in 1974. Reading Is Fundamental—be sure to add Virginia Woolf’s Orlando to your list. Plus Lavender Lexicon, Show Me a Sign, Out of History’s Closet, and Welcome to the Gayborhood: While in Tokyo, stop by the Ni-chome district, said to have the highest concentration of gay bars in the world.  Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.

You can still buy the 2023 calendar here.

The 2024 “Pride: A Celebration of LGBTQIA+ History and Community” is available to pre-order! Ships in the fall.



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